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Are You Struggling to Find the Right Helicobacter Medication?

Helicobacter Medication

If you’ve been diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori and are seeking a solution that can’t be found in regular pharmacies, you’re in the right place.

At My Compounding Pharmacy, we specialise in creating personalised formulations of Helicobacter medications tailored to your unique needs or doctor’s script. How to order?             

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Why Does My Medicine Require a Compounding Pharmacy?

Compounding pharmacies tailor medications to each person’s specific needs, addressing issues like dosing preferences, allergies, or intolerances to certain ingredients.

Imagine a pharmacy that doesn’t just hand you pills off the shelf but mixes them to suit your exact needs. That’s what compounding pharmacies do. They can adjust doses, mix multiple meds into one, and even make them allergy-friendly or easier to take if you hate swallowing pills.

For H. pylori, the specific compounds made by pharmacies could include:

  • Failed Previous Treatments: If you’ve already tried standard Helicobacter medications without success, you’re not alone. Your doctor may have previously prescribed Nexium-HP7, truth be told many patients require a more personalised approach. After consulting with your gastroenterologist or GP, you may have received multiple prescription medicine as part of your next step to treating H.Pylori. Some of these medications may not be readily available, our compounding pharmacy can prepare these medications according to your doctor’s recommendations.
  • Unavailable in regular pharmacies: Some treatments for H.pylori medication may not be commercially available as a proprietary product in Australia. This may require a compounding pharmacy to source raw ingredients internationally, to create the medication you need.
  • Vegan, Kosher, Halal diet-friendly: Some medicines may be made with gelatin, lactose, gluten or from animal by-products. We may need to remove ingredients that may require a religious or diet friendly approach such as gelatin-free, animal-free or vegetarian options.
  • Alternative Forms: For people who have difficulty swallowing pills, we can create the medicine you need as a liquid, different flavour or gummy formulation.
  • Custom Dosages: We may need to tailor the strength of medications to suit your specific needs..
  • Allergen-Free Formulations: We may need to remove ingredients that may cause you to have an allergic reaction. Ie: Lactose-free, gluten-free, gelatin-free, magnesium stearate free, etc..

Combination Products: We may need to combine multiple medications into one single dosage form to improve your chances of remembering and taking the full course of your medication.

What is Helicobacter pylori? (H. pylori)

H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can live in the stomach linings and sometimes cause problems. Not everyone with H. pylori will have symptoms, but here are some that people might face:

  1. Stomach Pain or Burning: This isn’t just any stomachache. It’s often felt in the middle or upper part of the stomach and might get worse when your stomach is empty.
  2. Bloating: Your belly might feel full and puffy, which can be uncomfortable.
  3. Burping A Lot: More than what you’d consider normal, and it might not be related to what you’ve eaten.
  4. Nausea: That queasy, sick-to-your-stomach feeling that might come and go.
  5. Loss of Appetite: When you’re not feeling as hungry as usual, or food doesn’t seem appealing.
  6. Unintentional Weight Loss: Losing weight without trying, which might happen because eating causes discomfort.
  7. Heartburn: A burning sensation in your chest, often after eating, that might get worse when you’re lying down or bending over.

In more severe cases, H. pylori can lead to ulcers in the stomach or small intestine, which might cause:

  • Severe Stomach Pain: A sharp, persistent pain.
  • Bloody or Black Stools: This can indicate bleeding in the stomach, which might make your stools look black or tarry.
  • Vomiting Blood: This can sometimes happen with serious ulcers.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, especially the more severe ones, it’s important to see a doctor. They can test for H. pylori and help figure out the best way to treat it.

Remember, not everyone with H. pylori will feel sick, but if you do have symptoms, getting treated can really help you feel better.

Helicobacter pylori TREATMENT

The First Line of Defense: Nexium-HP7

Nexium-HP7 is like the opening act, combining a stomach acid reducer (esomeprazole) with two antibiotics, usually clarithromycin and amoxicillin, all packed in one purple box. It’s a go-to choice but sometimes, it just doesn’t cut it.

Triple Therapy

Think of triple therapy like a superhero team for your stomach, combining two antibiotics and a medicine to reduce stomach acid, all teaming up to kick H. pylori to the curb. Sometimes, even superheroes need a backup plan

Triple therapy has traditionally been the standard treatment and includes:

  1. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs): To reduce stomach acid, facilitating healing and improving the efficacy of antibiotics. This isn’t an antibiotic but a medicine that reduces stomach acid, making it easier for the antibiotics to work and helping your stomach lining heal.

Examples include: esomeprazole, lansoprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole or rabeprazole.

  1. Antibiotics: Various antibiotics can be compounded for patients who may need specific formulations, including but not limited to:
    • Amoxicillin
    • Clarithromycin
    • Metronidazole (To replace amoxicillin)
    • Tetracycline (To replace Clarithromycin)
  2. Bismuth Subcitrate / Citrate: Sometimes used in specific quadruple therapy regimens.
  3. H2 Receptor Antagonists: Though less commonly used for this purpose, they can reduce stomach acid. Eg: Cimetidine, Famotidine or Nizatidine.
  4. Bismuth Subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol): Used in some treatment regimens to help combat H. pylori.

The choice of antibiotics may be adjusted based on local resistance patterns or patient-specific factors, such as allergies.

Other Options Your Doctor Might Consider...

Quadruple Therapy

Two different Antibiotics: Like in triple therapy, but metronidazole might be used instead of amoxicillin, alongside Tetracycline replacing clarithromycin, for a broader attack on the bacteria.

Quadruple therapy ups the game by adding a fourth member to the team – a bismuth compound (kind of like the Pepto-Bismol you take for upset stomachs) to help the other medicines work better.

Quadruple therapy for H. pylori typically includes the following components:

  1. Two Antibiotics: To target H. pylori directly.
    Common choices include: Metronidazole and Tetracycline or Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin, depending on resistance patterns and patient allergies.
  2. Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI): Such as omeprazole, esomeprazole, or pantoprazole, to reduce stomach acid, creating a more favourable environment for antibiotic activity and healing of the stomach lining.
  3. Bismuth Compound: Like bismuth subcitrate / citrate, or bismuth subsalicylate, which has antimicrobial activity against H. pylori and helps protect the stomach lining.

This therapy is often used as a first-line treatment in regions with high rates of antibiotic resistance or as a second-line therapy following the failure of triple therapy.

Salvage Therapy

When the standard teams don’t get the job done, it’s time for the rescue mission, or salvage therapy. The plan B (or C) when others fail.

Salvage therapy is used when both triple and quadruple therapies have failed, which may involve:

  1. Different Antibiotics: Such as levofloxacin, rifabutin, furazolidone or secnidazole chosen based on susceptibility testing or empirical evidence of efficacy in the presence of resistance to first-line antibiotics.

Levofloxacin-based Therapy:

If quadruple therapy is not suitable or has failed, a regimen based on levofloxacin (an antibiotic) might be used, including:

Levofloxacin: As the key antibiotic.

A PPI: To reduce stomach acid.

Amoxicillin: As an additional antibiotic to help eradicate the bacteria.

Rifabutin-based Therapy:

Rifabutin is an antibiotic which may be used as a last resort due to its potential side effects and the risk of inducing resistance.

A rifabutin-based regimen might include:

Rifabutin: As an alternative antibiotic.

A PPI: For acid suppression.

Amoxicillin: To work in conjunction with rifabutin against H. pylori.

Furazolidone-Based Treatment Protocol for H. pylori:

Less commonly used but an option when others don’t work. A typical furazolidone-based treatment regimen for H. pylori might include the following components:

  1. Furazolidone: Administered usually twice daily for a duration that can range from 7 to 14 days, depending on the specific protocol and combination of medications used.
  2. Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI): PPIs are included to reduce stomach acid, which helps heal ulcers and improves the effectiveness of antibiotics against H. pylori.
  3. Other Antibiotics: Depending on the specific regimen, another antibiotic may be included to work alongside furazolidone. Common options might include amoxicillin, tetracycline, or metronidazole, though the choice of antibiotic will depend on local resistance patterns and patient allergies.
  4. Bismuth Subsalicylate: In some protocols, especially quadruple therapies, bismuth subsalicylate is added to the regimen. Bismuth helps protect the stomach lining, adds an additional antimicrobial effect, and can help reduce symptoms.

Duration: The total duration of therapy typically ranges from 7 to 14 days, with some protocols extending beyond 14 days to ensure eradication of the bacterium.

Side Effects: Common side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and, less commonly, allergic reactions, metallic taste or peripheral neuropathy.

Tailored Therapy Based on Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing

If multiple treatments fail, your doctor may recommend testing the H. pylori strain to determine which treatment options will work best for your type of H. pylori. This test determines which antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to, allowing for a customised treatment plan.

Vitamins and Herbs for Supportive Care

In addition to compounded medications, certain vitamins and herbs have been studied for their potential benefits in managing H. pylori infection or supporting gastrointestinal health. While not replacements for conventional antibiotic therapy, these supplements can complement the treatment and offer additional relief or protection.


  1. Vitamin C: Known for its immune-boosting properties, vitamin C may also have an inhibitory effect on H. pylori growth. Foods high in vitamin C or supplements can be part of a supportive care regimen.
  2. Vitamin E: An antioxidant that can help protect the stomach lining from damage and support healing, supplementing with vitamin E might offer benefits during and after treatment.


  1. Licorice Root: Some studies suggest that licorice root, particularly deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), can soothe the stomach and may help reduce H. pylori adherence to the stomach lining.
  2. Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants, green tea has been associated with a lower prevalence of H. pylori infection in some populations. Its antimicrobial properties might also support treatment.
  3. Cranberry: Similar to its effects in urinary tract infections, cranberry may prevent H. pylori from adhering to the stomach lining, potentially aiding in its eradication.

Integrating Compounded Medications, Vitamins, and Herbs

When incorporating compounded medications, vitamins, and herbs into an H. pylori treatment plan, it’s essential to do so under the guidance of healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists. They can help understand the troubles you are facing and can tailor a regimen that considers the levels of h.pylori and sensitivities you are dealing with including health status, medication tolerance, and specific needs.

Unlock the Power To Destroy H. Pylori

You may have already encountered various hurdles. From trying Nexium-HP7 without success to consulting specialists, doctors, natural health experts, naturopaths, or herbalists who’ve yet to offer a lasting solution. You’re at the point where compounding medicine may make a difference!
Don’t let Helicobacter pylori control your life. It’s time to take the next step towards fighting H. pylori and start the path to success. Order your script here or contact My Compounding Pharmacy on 1300 631 931 today.​

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